ALG's Samara Secter and Reakash Walters represented the Canadian Civil Liberties Association in an intervention in the case of Her Majesty the Queen v. James Andrew Beaver. The Supreme Court of Canada heard the appeal on February 14, 2022 and the decision is under reserve. ALG alumna Sarah Rankin represented the Appellant at the Supreme Court.
The case addresses the voluntariness requirement for introducing a defendant's statements and the process for excluding evidence under section 24(2) of the Charter. On behalf of the CCLA, Samara and Reakash argued that a person needs to understand their legal jeopardy and their right to silence in order to make a voluntary statement. Samara and Reakash also argued that the Supreme Court should maintain a generous and purposive approach to the application of section 24(2). For more information on the CCLA's arguments, please see its website.
To watch the webcast of the hearing, please visit the Supreme Court of Canada website. (Samara's submissions start at 1:31:20.) The CCLA's factum is available on its website.