Megan Savard will present on tech crime, sexual assault, professional discipline, and other topics at conferences and events in April 2020. See below for further information on some of Megan’s upcoming speaking engagements:
- Osgoode Professional Development: Prosecuting and Defending Professional Discipline Cases 2020 (panelist, “Dealing Effectively with Concurrent Criminal and Civil Proceedings”) – April 2, 2020
- Osgoode Professional Development: 13th National Symposium on Tech Crime and E-Evidence (panelist: “Search and Seizure: Practical Issues and Approaches”) – April 3, 2020
- Law Society of Ontario: The Six-Minute Criminal Lawyer 2020 (presenter on the role of amicus and Rowbotham applications) – April 18, 2020
- Osgoode Professional Development: National Symposium on Sexual Assault Cases in the Criminal Court (speaker) – April 25, 2020