ALG's Lynda Morgan is a speaker at two upcoming continuing professional development programs on technology and financial crime.
On October 17, 2023 Lynda will be a speaker at the Law Society of Ontario's CPD program on protecting against money laundering in litigation practice. The LSO offers the program for practitioners to update their knowledge and skills regarding cryptocurrency, asset forfeiture and freezing, and FINTRAC guidelines.
On November 16, 2023 Lynda will be a faculty member and co-chair at Osgoode Professional Development's 16th National Symposium on Tech Crime and Electronic Evidence. The symposium covers a wide range of topics of interest for prosecutors, defence counsel, and judges, including search and seizure law, artificial intelligence, and extra-territorial investigations and prosecutions. As part of the symposium Lynda will present on recent developments in search and seizure law and the impact of AI and ChatGPT in legal practice.
To learn more or to register, please visit the LSO or Osgoode Professional Development websites.