Reakash Walters joined Addario Law Group LLP in July 2021 as an associate. She has a practice in criminal, constitutional, and administrative law.

Reakash earned her law degree from the University of Ottawa and graduated cum laude. During law school, Reakash placed third nationally as a member of the Faculty’s Jessup Moot team. Outside school, she partnered with Senator Kim Pate to create an award-winning podcast (Appointed) that addresses the legal and social obstacles facing criminalized and marginalized people. Reakash has been recognized nationally for her advocacy and was listed as a 2020 “Trailblazer” in Chatelaine Magazine. Prior to joining ALG, Reakash completed her articles at a top labour and human rights law firm in Toronto.

Reakash was called to the bar in 2021 and is a member of the Criminal Lawyers’ Association, the Canadian Association of Black Lawyers, the Canadian Prison Law Association, and the Advocates’ Society.

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