Frank Addario Presents at Law Society's 2022 Six-Minute Criminal Lawyer Program

ALG's Frank Addario was a presenter at the Law Society of Ontario's Six-Minute Criminal Lawyer Program for 2022. The event took place online on April 30, 2022.

Frank presented on common pitfalls for defence lawyers and how to avoid a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel. Frank shared his "top five" cases, including the Supreme Court of Canada's recent decision in White, and tips for how to communicate effectively with the client and obtain adequate instructions. Frank's bottom line for criminal lawyers: fix your mistakes right away.

The Six-Minute Criminal Lawyer program is an annual review covering the latest developments in criminal and constitutional law. This year's faculty includes defence lawyers, Crown counsel, and judges from the Ontario Court of Appeal and Superior Court of Justice. Frank was a member of the faculty for the program in past years, including in 2019 when he presented on incivility in criminal advocacy.

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